From Passion to Academia to Industry
Dr Chu's seminal work on digital ink painting simulation was first published at SIGGRAPH 2005 and he was awarded PhD for that in 2007. Although he left the academia for many years now, today Computer Graphics researchers still remember his contributions to digital painting technologies. The industry also recognizes Nelson's work - back in 2006, Adobe already licensed Nelson's work, hoping to get it into Photoshop. Last year Wacom invited Nelson to be a panelist at their Connected Ink event to discuss the future of digital ink. This year, Microsoft has invited Nelson to be at various launch events (new Surface Pro's global launch in Shanghai, local launches in Hong Kong, and Taiwan). Microsoft CVP Panos Panay likes Expresii so much that he would introduce Expresii on stage himself!
Taipei Talk
Hsinchu Talk
感謝台灣前工研院董事長史欽泰教授 以及 幾位台灣不同大學的教授光臨指導。史欽泰教授酷愛書法,也給了我們寶貴的意見~
Computer Graphics Workshop (CGW) 2017
Lastly Nelson was happy to be invited to give a keynote speech at the Taiwanese domestic conference Computer Graphics Worshop (CGW) 2017, the annual meeting for Computer Graphic researchers from the whole Taiwan. The other keynote speakers include world-famous researchers Liyi Wei and Hao Li - both of them actually originate from Taiwan. Nelson's keynote was titled From Passion To Academia To Industry. Instead of focusing on technical aspect (most keynotes in technical conferences would ^_^), Nelson shared his journey going from an idea to an end-product, along with his experience on working abroad. He hopes to inspire graduate students of Taiwan to find their passions and work hard on them. 我們的朱博士希望可以透過分享他自身開發數位水墨技術的經歷,以及在外國工作經驗,鼓勵大家,有機會該去闖一闖。 We thanks the organizing committee of CGW, especially Prof. James Wu for his help during our visit. | 能為你自己喜歡的事情而努力是一種幸福。希望台灣的年輕人,也找到你們所熱愛的並為它而努力 - Nelson Chu |
Thank you Taiwan!
這次真是非常感謝台灣,讓我們有機會來交流,而且也嚐到台灣美食!台灣人真的非常熱情,非常有禮。這次台灣之旅行程滿滿的,非常充實和有意義!只嫌不夠時間真正的逛逛和太多的美食還未有機會吃到,哈哈。最後附上Nelson 寫的一些數位書法送給熱情的台灣~~ 下次再見!!