Brush calligraphy plays a big role in various designs in East Asia. High-quality calligraphy graphics are not easy to come by, and when they do, they only come in common phrases. If you have, say a movie title that you like presented in calligraphy, you really need to have someone write it on paper, and then you scan it into the computer. But now with Expresii, you can actually do it right on the computer. You can always undo if you don't like a stroke. It's a real time-saver!
字體設計,在東亞地區需求很大。電腦漢字字形比拉丁系字形相比少很多。無論海報或商標等,獨特的字體設計在漢字文化圈裡應用非常廣泛。好的書法字往往令人一見難忘,令客戶對您要推廣的項目留下深刻印象。Expresii 突破性地讓您在電腦裡也可寫到毛筆字,筆劃自然多變,且高清輸出。這是東方設計師夢寐以求的數碼設計工具!
Even if you are not into calligraphy, you can make stylish strokes with Expresii Lite, and export them as design elements in high-resolution. The strokes made with Expresii are truly yours. Our virtual brush acts like a real brush, giving you the ability to create a great variety of marks depending on how to manipulate your stylus. The video below speak louder than I can write here!
Expresii should be in every designer's arsenal. Tailor-make the strokes yourself. Create unique designs with rhythmic manipulation of your stylus instead of buying canned graphics! We have made a preview of the Lite version of Expresii available. Download the preview and try it today!
Expresii 特製的虛擬毛筆,像真筆一樣操控在手,一提、一按、中鋒、側鋒、乾筆、濕筆,全反映在筆劃的變化!請看下面視頻示範!體驗不一樣的揮灑,Expresii 的 Lite 版已有Preview 下載,現在就下載試用吧!