Chinese Characters 漢字 Ambigrams × Paper Cut 紙雕
No ordinary Lanterns 不一樣的 🏮 花燈 / 燈籠 🏮
QR Code Ambigrams 也可翻轉的QR CODE
'We have a UG student working on this problem. It's a good training for the student, which involves math and (computer) coding,' said Prof. Leung. Our Dr. Nelson Chu, designer behind the ambigrams and lanterns, is an alumnus of HKUST and hopes to get current HKUST students inspired by interesting projects like this. ’This is a typical real-world problem we need to solve everyday. In contrast, usually clear instructions are given in a school assignment. But now one needs to be critical and be able to judge the correctness in the information gathered', said Dr. Chu. 'There may be more solution to one problem, and some hidden issues yet to be solved.'
抱有懷疑態度是做研究的基本;我們應保持好奇的心去探索 -- Prof. Tim Leung
STEAM Education
“近年,教育界提出新的「STEAM」框架,亦即在原本的「STEM」加入藝術(Art)的意涵,強調未來的學生應培養跨領域素養和能力。” (wikipedia)
STEM 是美國先提倡,然後香港、台灣等地跟隨。我們其實一直做的就是STEAM的工作:從一開始用 物理原理 模擬 毛筆,用 流體力學 做 數碼水墨,到現在開發 中文 翻轉字 (ambigramアンビグラム) 工具,全部都把藝術、文化、科技等結合,做出前所未有的新產品。我們非常歡迎各學校共同辦好STEAM 教育,讓我們的學生Future Ready,迎接未來的挑戰!東方文化有很多值得發展的地方,希望一天我們是領導者,而不是跟隨者。╭( ・ㅂ・)و )))
職場上通常是藝術系的只會藝術,工科的只會工科;雇主如遇到有跨領域能力的員工應該興幸,因他們能幫你解決其他人解決不了的問題 -- Dr. Nelson Chu