FYI, Wacom tablet doesn't work out-of-the-box under Parallels, but it's possible to fix it. Due to these limitations, we recommend running Expresii on Boot Camp so that you get the performance your hardware is capable of. However, if your machine is a very fast one like the Mac Pro 2012, it's probably okay to have the 25% performance hit.
Expresii 兼容 Parallels Desktop,但我們建議使用Boot Camp 來跑Expresii,因為測試中用Parallels Desktop會比Boot Camp慢約25%,而且wacom 繪圖板不能用到壓力和斜度感應(有補救方法)。如果您的電腦本身很快(如Mac Pro 2012),那慢25%應該還跑得順吧。
2020 Update : Running via Parallels Desktop 15 or later