Just like Master Chef Martin Yan said, "one, two, three, four, five - and it's Done!"
畫出來的線條還可以放得很大,這是任何現有基於 vector 或 bitmap 的繪畫系統都難以匹敵的!
One Brush, Many Marks - No more collecting 'stickers' to give your strokes a different look. You don't even need to adjust any puzzling parameter in the app's UI. Just paint as if in real life. It's a dream come true. Just like Master Chef Martin Yan said, "one, two, three, four, five - and it's Done!" 一支筆,不用調複雜參數,不用找不同的貼圖來貼,就可隨便畫出變化無窮的筆觸。手起筆落,就這麼簡單。數位畫筆,本來就該是這樣子。 Now with the right tool, show me some rhythmic lines, won't you, Master Painter? 什麼叫 ‘韻律’,畫畫的您會懂! And it comes with amazing details. Below is a closeup of the above stroke. This is hard to achieve with any vector or bitmap-based graphics tool out there. Simply put, Expresii is revolutionary in digital painting technology! 畫出來的線條還可以放得很大,這是任何現有基於 vector 或 bitmap 的繪畫系統都難以匹敵的! Isn't the details amazing? 媽,真的可以放得很大啊!
A few websites have reported about us in the past months and we do get some traffic coming here although we haven't officially announced our app yet. We apologize for not being able to answer every message that you sent us. We've been busy getting the program ready. Thank you for your patience. We appreciate every message from you, because every message is a piece of encouragement to us!
雖然我們還未正式開張,但之前已有幾個網站已報導了我們,也帶來了一些訪客到這裡。我們正努力把程序做好,如我們未能一一回覆您們的信息,請多多包涵。您們每一個信息都是對我們的一份鼓勵! Below is a screenshot with a sample artwork that we also shared in our Facebook page previously. You can like our Facebook page to get more frequent update. 以下是近期一幅用《寫意》畫的作品,大家可以 到我們的 Facebook page 讚好,以便獲悉更多新動態。 |
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