我們會在香港十一月舉行的電腦繪圖交流大會 SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 中演示以Expresii 作數碼‘潑墨’畫。請看示範片:
PoMo: Ink Flow on a Surface from Nelson Chu on Vimeo.
Venue : Booth D12 (CG Visual's booth), SIGGRAPH ASIA Exhibition, HKCEC
Date : 20th-22nd November 2013
地點 : 香港會議展覽中心,SIGGRAPH ASIA Exhibition 內 D12 檔位
日期 : 2013年11月20日到22日
Nelson would be around every afternoon 2-5pm to demonstrate. See CGVisual to get a free entry pass before 11th!
He is also invited to give a talk titled 'Advancing Digital Painting Technology' (talk details).
Nelson 每天下午兩點到五點都在場講解。請看CGVisual 於11日前免費取入場證!
他還會在場演講,題目為'Advancing Digital Painting Technology' (英語進行),請看詳情。
Credits 協力:
Sensor Engineering 感應器製作 - William Wong
Video Production 影片製作 - Tiffany Yu
Acknowledgement 鳴謝:
CGVisual for event organizing
WACOM Hong Kong and Synnex for providing the Cintiq hardware