Let us know if you need more function assignment for game controller and we will consider adding them. ^_^
Previously we've been trying cheap bluetooth VR controllers but they either don't really support Windows, or they don't offer analog joystick input (joystick only act as buttons): Thanks to Shuen Leung, recently we discovered a couple of Keysco branded bluetooth controllers that could act as analog joysticks under Windows. However, they could only be seen as DirectX devices so we also added support for DirectX (DX) game controllers in Expresii. These should be the cheapest single-hand controllers that offer analog input for Windows on the market now. And they are more comfortable to hold than then R1 shown in the youtube video shown above. If you can communicate in Chinese, you can get one from Taobao for RMB35 (=$5.3). Otherwise, you can buy one from Amazon currently at $9.8 or Ebay at $6.95. Below is a process walk-through video for connecting the controller and using it in Expresii. You can press WIN and type 'joy.cpl' and press enter to get to the control panel item for game controller shown in the video. And FYI, those Keysco controllers we tested only give 4 buttons - those shoulder buttons actually maps to one of those A B C D buttons! Also, the analog sticks are not very sensitive as some of the more professional ones like XBox or Plasystation controllers. Such a controller is useful for quick access if you don't want to use a keyboard. In particular, if your stylus doesn't sense tilt yet, you can also use the analog stick for pen tilt, or even for painting surface tilt. Let us know if you need more function assignment for game controller and we will consider adding them. ^_^ The white one on the left doesn't even connect to a Windows machine via bluetooth, although the description says it supports PC. The Mocute on the right connects to Windows device, but those buttons and thumbsticks map to number keys - not working as a game controller as expected. :(
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