Digital Art not real art? 數位藝術不是真藝術?
One may say there's no mistakes in art so there's no need for undo. Okay, then let's regard undo's and redo's as opportunities to go back and forth in time. - Nelson Chu
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Embracing New Tools
We should really embrace new technology and explore what we can do with it.
Changing Business Model
To respond to this, firstly, we'd like to emphasis that artistic value is NOT market value. If we stick to the question of whether something is real art we should really judge it by its artistic value. Whether it sells or not is a completely different story. For a painting, we judge its artistic value by e.g. the use of colors or composition, which you can also find in digital art.
Secondly, business models can adapt to changes. A century ago, musicians made a living by performing live. With the invention of sound recorder, musicians don't lose their job simply because there is a way to playback their music. Instead, a whole ecosystem of record companies & distributors came into existence. And then came the digital age, when people don't buy CD's as often. Record companies could blame digital music making it easy to be pirated. Then Apple fights the problem by providing a way to get legit music easier than looking for pirated copies. And if you think those big companies are paying artists too little royalty , now independent artists can sell their music, art or tutorials via sites like Gumroad with a much bigger cut, effectively democratizing art selling for creators.
消失中的手寫字 hand writing anyone?久不久就有人發表文章,說現代人都用電腦手機,都不會寫字了。而且電腦字體的流行,讓人廉價使用。街上原本很美的手寫字招牌,一下子被呆板的電腦字體所取代。 我們不能逆轉電子產品的普及應用,但可把東西改進,讓它更適合我們。我們在軟件上努力,做出Expresii 水墨書法軟件,讓大家可以更好的在電子時代,承傳並發展中國書法和水墨畫。其實,電腦上也可以手寫字啊! In the Chinese community, we regularly see complaints about new gadgets making our younger generation forgetting how to write with their hands. The rise of computer fonts also turned beautiful calligraphic signs into unimpressive 'computer-font' ones in our city . All these new gadgets seem to take away our cultural heritage. Gadgets only get more popular and we can't revert that. But what we can do is to build new tools to go with them so that we can breathe new life into our culture. In Expresii, we're actually making digital art organic to a whole new level - in response to existing paint programs making brush strokes that are so sterile. |
To Keep Tradition Alive = To Bring In New Life保留傳統,只有發展才能保留,不發展就不可能保留。 - 吳冠中 以上是已故著名畫家吳冠中的一句話,語出這裡。我把它翻譯成:To Keep Tradition Alive = To Bring In New Life。華人都很講‘傳統’,但真的,‘傳統’不是死的,而是需要我們去繼續發展下去的。希望大家不要抗拒新發展。新發展是難的,方向也不一定對。如果大家對我們的發展有什麼看法,歡迎指正。在此也僅希望從事教育的朋友,或者關心傳統的朋友,如果覺得我們做的事情是對的,請給予支持,幫忙廣傳。感謝! I can't emphasize enough the importance of new development. If you think what we do with Expresii is worthwhile, please help spread the word. Thank you! Further on the pros and cons of digital painting: Why go digital? |