- We got most love from Japan , followed by Korea and Taiwan
- We got interests from China too, but the most popular phrase starting with 'Expresii' in Baidu.com is 'Expresii 破解' (meaning 'Expresii Crack') ʕ>⌓<。ʔ
- We got so many user registrations from China in the first few days that it broke our registration system
- People started showing avatar pics made with Expresii in social media
- We start seeing user-made demo and tutorial videos with Expresii ヽ(°◇° )ノ
With today 's (2015-12-22) app update, we simplified the registration process so that you no longer need to wait for the Registration Code to come via email . ─=≡Σ((( つ ◕o◕ )つ
We're glad to find some first-time users being able to pick up Expresii so well like JaneMere (Zootopia's Judy, Monk), 子清(1, 2) , 纪保超 and Livy Jean do. ʕつ ͡◔ ᴥ ͡◔ʔつ
最近痴迷expresii这款水墨软件,它能模拟出几可乱真的水墨晕痕 - 纪保超
ずっと欲しいとおもってた感じのソフトがでてしまった…難しいけどこれ使いこなせればすごく楽しいやつだ…!- 子清
EXPRESSI給我這個電繪恐慌的手繪派開闢了一條道路 - Shuen Leung
For more user-made artworks, see this Pinterest bookmark collection. ʕु•ᴥ•ʔु ✧