OMG! Wet Dream come true! 水墨淋漓如何?

用平板配像真度超高的虛擬顏料畫畫,自從iPad 2010 年面世就有人夢想過。最近Adobe發了影片,內容是,將來他們的軟件配合微軟的平板可能會怎樣怎樣。其實片裡只是廣告效果,現在Adobe的軟件沒那麼神呢!
How about having the future *now*? Would you like to paint with realistic watercolor that flows as you tilt the surface? The flow should not be predefined with some kind of bitmaps that you load into the app, but react to your interaction. Okay, I'd let the video do the talking:
雖然 Atom CPU 運行速度慢,但影片裡用的PiPO W5 的確性價比超高。8寸的大小,方便攜帶。你很喜歡 Wacom Cintiq Companion 但買不起?嫌它太重?那可以考慮PiPO W5 喲,才人民幣 888 (= 美金 142),萬一丟了也不太心疼吧。比較下如果你是用ipad方案,價錢也不便宜,還有就算用了Wacom專業畫筆,也不是每個app 也支持palm rejection 呢。
In the above video you'll see that every time you put down the paint the outcome is so natural, thanks to our full-fledged fluid simulation. The following is another demo showing the use of the brush in "sprayer" mode.
這幅水墨 ‘甘道夫’就是之前用Expresii 在桌面機畫成的。用桌面機比較快,比較爽啊!片裡是用W5打開並展示給你看。圖分兩個圖層,一為‘線條’,另一為‘染色’,傳統上說‘有筆有墨為之畫’,在電子世界裡可以分圖層多好啊!
Conclusion: We are very excited by the recent development of Win 8 tablets. Finally software and hardware working together to make a dream come true! We're going to release the Lite version of Expresii first (preview available now), and the Full version later (no set date yet). 2015 looks like a good year for digital painters!
結論:沒想到 Intel 的CPU 進步那麼快!把我們 GPU-intensive 的水墨模擬放到小平板只是想試試而已,但出來效果絕不是Atom CPU一貫給我們的印象中那麼差喲!夢想,逐漸因軟件和硬件的配合而成真了。 ୧༼ ヘ ᗜ ヘ ༽୨
我們會先推出 Lite 版本(Preview 現已可下載),之後再推出 Full 版。大家,看來2015 是數位繪畫的一年好年!
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