2020 Review
Animation / Automation
Running on Mac / ARM-based machines
Those of you having an ARM-based machine can try Windows on ARM (if on Apple M1, here's an installation guide) and get the Insider preview of the OpenGL 3.3 package to try Expresii there already. For those of you hoping to run it via Parallels, Parallels just released a tech preview in which you can run Windows on ARM as virtual machine on an M1 Apple machines. So for those of you having a Parallels 16 license, you can already try it. If you do try them, let me know how it goes!
2021-04 Update: Yes, Expresii runs on Windows 10 ARM version via Parallels 16.5 on Apple Silicon M1 machine!
new hardware for color input / control
In May, we added support for on-the-fly adjustment of loading color hue, lightness & saturation via hotkeys in Expresii. More pen tablet makers are adding dials to their hardware and we also showed you can use those dials for real-time color adjustment by assigning the dial to our hotkeys.
We have been in contact with other hardware makers too. Would reveal more when collaborations come to fruition.
2021 Ahead: Improvements & New Features
Better Dry-up
More layers
Western watercolor
Image Import
Oil paint
RYB color model
Your support is Essential
If you like what we're doing, please support this endeavor by buying the app (or giving a tip by paying for a trial key) and tell your friends who might be interested. Everything counts! Thanks you! m(_ _)m